Tomorrow, hundreds of children will be embarking on their Zeta journey with us. We are humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve children and their families, and to provide access to next-generation public education for our Zeta students.
I am struck by this particular moment not only because it is the culmination of over a year’s worth of intense preparation, but it’s also our convergence as a community. Before now, we have had an extraordinary, dedicated group of people working to build a world-class school experience—teachers, staff, advisors, experts, board members, supporters—in marvelous concert, every member with an important role to play.
Finally, tomorrow morning, our full community converges. Families come together at Zeta, entrusting us with their beloved children. Children will meet some of the best friends they will ever have and begin the journey to a life-long love of learning. Teachers will greet their delightful charges and have the great responsibility to positively affect their life trajectories.
It is right that this moment is about community, about people, about convergence. We know that incredible things will happen in this space where we come together with passion, purpose, and children’s limitless promise.
Welcome to Zeta’s first day of school!