A Day in the Life

Write Your Story at Zeta
7:00 am
Teachers arrive to welcome students
7:45 am
School begins with morning meeting followed by snack time
9:00 am
Math, Science, Group Reading
12:25 pm
Lunch and Recess
1:15 pm
Specialist programming, ZLab, and Read Alouds
3:00 pm
Afternoon Meeting and Snack
3:30 pm
Dismissal and After School Programming
Meet Our Talent

The excitement when a student realizes they can do it is just amazing!
2nd Grade Teacher
Read Transcript >
Our mission means helping children get to where they need to be with all the resources we can possibly give them.
Operations Director
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Our goal is to be integrated into the communities, making sure that families are seen and heard.
Family Outreach Associate
Read Transcript >Find Your Purpose